
Receiving and grading hides


Receiving and grading hides


Receiving and grading hides


Receiving and grading hides

Leather embellishment techniques

Euréka has now taken it a step further by providing a comprehensive leather embellishment service or “decorated leather” with textiles, synthetic materials, synthetic leather (pleather), skin-out fur and felt. Our machines are specially designed to provide the most diverse and original results. Our Evo model can provide you with a wide range of perforations, micro-perforations, scales, hole-punching and transfers with only one application on the pattern, light printing, precisely-placed perforations, etc.


Leather engraving - one-of-a-kind creations

Give your creativity free rein! Our ALFA marking and engraving machine, specially designed for leather, makes it possible for us to engrave, hole punch and mill on many different kinds of materials. We can also work together with you using your own designs.

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10 rue Claude Bernard
BP 162
+33 (0)5 63 42 16 43

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Member of the
Graulhet Le Cuir
trade association